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Black Cilice - Mysteries LP

Black Cilice - Mysteries LP

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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Black metal has changed much since it first started to gain strength, back in the late eighties and early nineties, black metal diversified and soon many bands surfaced with a much cleaner and accessible sound, or a faster one similar to Marduk and Dark Funeral, others opted to follow a more melodic approach and the rest merely copied and rehashed Darkthrone's style. However, as black metal slowly evolved into a bastardization and mockery of what it once was, in the far reaches of Portugal, one of the most overlooked nations of europe when it comes to metal, a new "scene" started to slowly develop, a scene that has the distinction of being quite likely, the "sequel" of the long-dead Black Legions, it is the Portuguese scene...
A Corpse, A Temple honours the traditions and the sound of old-school raw black metal, it is primitive, cold, ferocious, hateful, dark and evil. Black Cilice surely knows how to channel a deep hatred and grimness into their music behind a wall of noise. The riffs are quite simple, yet they immediately succeed at placing you in a vast, frozen desert of despair and hatred, with the drums constantly punishing you with a barrage of blast beats. With every passing second, your mind is tormented with the ear-piercing howls and shrieks of a demented madman, reaching for your very soul and gripping it, squeezing the life out of you with frozen fingers.
You MUST listen to this preferably during the night, alone, where it's cold fingers will reach for your heart to squeeze the life out of you.

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